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Funny Gross Images of People at a Grocery Store

The world has changed tremendously within weeks; many of us now practice social distancing; we avoid seeing friends and going out. And even if we wanted to go out, many countries have closed gyms, hairdressing salons, cinemas, and all non-essential businesses, so there's not much to do.

The reason is because of the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, which has claimed thousands of lives and affected hundreds of thousands (and this number continues to grow). The pandemic has caused panic and also altered the way that many people shop. The shelves in many supermarkets are bare because of hoarding, videos pop up on the internet of people fighting over toilet paper, and people seem to have forgotten how to act decent and civilized.

15 People Have Forgotten How To Be Decent And Civilized

stores left a mess
Via The Sun

Photos taken during the coronavirus pandemic show that many people have forgotten how to be civil and respectful. Instead of buying what they need, despite many countries ensuring consumers there is enough to go around, some people have decided to hoard essential food items, and others have left the shops in a mess, with total disregard for others.

14 The Corona Virus Has Left Stores Without Basic Food And Household Items

women shops for basic items in supermarket
Via Los Angeles Times

If you've recently made a trip to the grocery store, you may have found that many basic household items were out of stock. Pasta, bread, and many non-perishable products are in high demand, and some people are buying in bulk, leaving nothing for the rest of us.

13 Toilet Paper Has Become A New Form Of Currency!

people stocking up on toilet rolls
Via GoTechDaily

A somewhat surprising shortage amid the coronavirus has been toilet paper. Although many people understand why shoppers have bought up dry goods and non-perishables, what is the appeal of a shopping cart full of loo roll? It's got to do with panic buying. Psychologist Emma Kenny told Sky that "panic buying" was "ridiculous," especially the hoarding of toilet paper because it wasn't going to help you out in a life or death situation.

12 Protecting Yourself Against A Virus Is Important, But Some People Take It Too Far

man wearing hazmat suit in store
Via Metro

One of the scariest things about COVID-19 is how contagious it is, but also how much uncertainty surrounds it, and the spread of false information feeds this. We know that social distancing is essential, and it's smart to practice good hand hygiene, but is wearing a hazmat suit necessary for a trip to the grocery store? This man thought it was, as he was photographed shopping in a town in England, Metro reports.

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11 Panic Buying And Hoarding Is Now The New Normal

shelves empty in supermarket
Via shropshirestar

Governments have asked individuals not to panic buy during the coronavirus pandemic, and have tried to convince consumers that there is enough to go around. Vice president at the Food Industry Association, Doug Baker, told CBS News that "supply is flowing, machines are running and the product will make its way back to the shelf." This means that the shortages are a result of unexpected demand.

10 Some People Don't Understand What Social Distancing Really Means!

people queue for shops
Via New Zealand Herald

Most of us have been informed that during the pandemic, people need to keep a safe distance from others to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. That said, it seems many people do not understand what this means because they are headed to the shops in large numbers, queuing in long queues, and standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder with others.

9 Hoarding In The United States (And Other Countries) Is A Serious Problem

large queues for shopping
Via Reuters

Hoarding has become a bit of a problem in recent weeks. We do not know how long the coronavirus will be around, nor what the final number of infected individuals will be, and because of this, many people feel they need to stock up on essentials (and also non-essentials like toilet paper). Reuters notes that the increased demand has resulted in some stores, "limiting how much consumers could buy of some products."

8 Some Supermarkets Are Not Able To Keep Up With The Increased Demand

stores running out of items
Via Los Angeles Times

The panic buying and hoarding of many products have created a shortage of some items, as stores struggling to keep up with the demand. Reuters reports that analyst Ed Kelly has commented on how even big retailers like Walmart and Target could see an effect on supply chains. He said, "We believe the time to start worrying about the supply chain risk of 2019-nCoV is here."

women wearing plastic over herself while shopping
Via Sad and Useless

We mentioned earlier that it is vital to have good hygiene and to practice social distancing, but some people are so terrified of contracting the coronavirus that they have gone to extreme measures; this includes wrapping yourself in plastic during a trip to the grocery store. Although it's not the most practical look, it seemed to give this shopper the confidence to go out and get what she needed.

6 If You Don't Have A Mask During A Visit To The Store, This Could Be The Next Best Thing

man wears water container over head
Via Sad and Useless

People have been buying up hand sanitizer and masks, but what happens when the stock runs out? Well, this man felt he had come up with the next best solution; cut a hole in a water bottle and place it over your face for a trip to the market. It seems impractical and uncomfortable, but at least he was able to go about his daily errands confidently.

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5 Hand Sanitizers Are In High Demand!

shortage of hand sanitiser
Via MCall

Many of us have started paying close attention to what we touch and doing our best to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds after. When you are unable to wash your hands, hand sanitizer is a wonderful alternative, which is why there has been such an increase in demand, leaving many stores completely without this sought-after product.

4 People May Run Out Of Food, But At Least They Have Toilet Paper!

people buy up toilet paper
Via The Mirror

Food shelves may be empty in some stores, but so too is the toilet paper aisle. It's one of the ridiculous purchases during the coronavirus epidemic, and people are acting like toilet paper is going to become the latest form of currency. Hey, if you run out of food, at least you have something to wipe with, right?!

3 Older People Are Afraid To Head To The Shops For Fear Of Corona Virus

old people afraid to shop
Via Business Insider

The way we shop has changed drastically within the last few weeks, and vulnerable people, like the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, are too afraid to head to the stores. Thankfully, retailers are aware of this and have done their best to accommodate those who are considered high risk by "running special hours" for these individuals to shop, Business Insider reports.

2 Who Needs Candy And Soda When You Can Buy Bottled Water?!

men wearing masks in supermarket
Via Daily Mail

The items that some people have deemed essential during this time have been strange. Some feel that they need to buy up toilet rolls; others think they need bottles of water and lots of it. Photos taken in supermarkets in recent weeks show how much has changed amid the coronavirus; shelves are empty, customers go out wearing masks, and sometimes, there's even a fight that breaks out over a standard household item.

1 Life Is Like A Zombie Apocalypse Now, And We See This Every Time We Head To The Stores

people shopping with masks
Via VOANews

If someone had told you this was going to be the result of the pandemic a few weeks ago, you might have looked at them and started laughing. It's like a scene from a zombie apocalypse movie that came to life, and many of us are still in shock, thinking about what has happened in 2020. The fear of the unknown and the rising death toll has made us want to avoid the stores, but it's also made others run to get basic supplies before its too late.

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